With the UK being under lockdown, schools are closed… kids and adults are at home. We all have to be patient for everybody’s welfare. But how do you keep the children entertained during these days?
My daughter loves Oreo biscuits and I have to admit I can’t blame her. When I was a child, my mum used to bake a similar version of this yummy sandwich biscuit, and I was always asking for more. One day I found the recipe in my mom’s book and I tried to bake them myself…needless to say it, but after that I used to bake them almost every day after I came home from school.
With my daughter, we baked a batch of these yummy sandwich biscuits and we decided to give them a new name : “Carreos” …. because they turned out a bit square shaped ( “Carré” in French means squared).

- This biscuit dough is great to make in advance and freeze for when you need to bake biscuits later. You can freeze the dough after rolling out so if defrosts quickly. Make sure to wrap very well before freezing.